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FHD 2021 Week 39

Our first acquisition!

Keeping it short and sweet since one highlight from the week far outshines the others…

We Acquired!

I don’t write much about the web division of our business in this newsletter, but this week we took a big step forward as we’ve officially closed on our first acquisition! is an organization that has been helping churches and non-profits develop an effective web presence since its founding in 1998.

In the coming weeks, we’ll be merging the customer base with our own as we work to further Michael Sherer’s nearly 25-year-old vision of helping Mennonite churches and organizations use technology to advance their mission.

We’re grateful to Michael and his team for entrusting us with the stewardship of the customers and are excited to dream about the next chapter in this story. screenshot

For our current web customers, nothing will change. We’ll continue to provide the same fast, friendly, helpful service you expect from us.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

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"I thoroughly enjoy getting the emails that, in a short, succinct way, clearly give an overview of the projects you are working on.

I like how you enjoy the highs of the job and let us know about the lows, which everyone has, so it's relatable.

I know it must take time to do this weekly digest, but it's one of the highlights of my day when I get to read it. Thank you and carry on!"

- Wendee