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FHD 2021 Week 34

Solid week. Here are the highlights...

New product line in the works!

Mark got started on a prototype for a new Upland showcase system. I’m beyond excited to see how this turns out and will share more photos in a few weeks.

It’ll be kinda like the Cuesta line, but made with totally preservation-friendly materials. And it’s designed to be modular so you can easily create a long wall of display cases by connecting multiple units together inline.

exhibit design process meeting

Exhibit component concepts

Anthony designed a really cool interactive element inspired by newspaper printing presses. So good.

newspaper museum interactive

Graham designed a couple cool exhibit components as well:

news exhibit radio prototype design

More reader rails!?

Jocelyn worked to make parts for several Upland orders. Seems like it’s been lots of reader rail orders recently?

Still need to get the two new reader rail systems listed on the Upland website so we can see how they compare to our older products.

horizontal boring reader rails edge routing reader rails

Project wrapup

Dan worked to button up several projects, including the Johnny Carson style board parts and the John Brown exhibit. John Brown goes to its first venue late next week!

attaching John Brown reader rail graphics

attaching John Brown reader rail graphics

Carson exhibit styleboard parts

Carson styleboard parts

Retail store signage

We made some cool signage for Prairy in downtown Newton. I’m excited to see it installed. In the meantime, here’s a fun photo of Hannah applying the final coat of paint:

Hannah painting retail store signage

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"I thoroughly enjoy getting the emails that, in a short, succinct way, clearly give an overview of the projects you are working on.

I like how you enjoy the highs of the job and let us know about the lows, which everyone has, so it's relatable.

I know it must take time to do this weekly digest, but it's one of the highlights of my day when I get to read it. Thank you and carry on!"

- Wendee